These aquaculture-oriented
commentaries are not abstracts written by the original authors.
They reflect the opinions of someone else -- usually Roger Doyle. Direct quotations from the papers or
abstracts are marked with inverted commas.
46. Successful selection for
growth in shrimp
Response to selection and heritability for growth in the Kuruma prawn,
Penaeus japonicus. 1999. Hetzel, D.J.S., P.J. Crocos, G.P. Davis, S.S.
Moore, and N.C. Preston. Aquaculture 181:215-223.
PLs from wild
broodstock were reared for 6 months and then separated into two breeding
lines, high weight and low weight. The direct response to this selection
was an 8.3% gain in weight of the offspring of the high line at the same
age. The low line lost about 13%. The authors conclude that the realized
heritability of growth rate in this type of mass selection is only
moderate but the large family sizes and phenotypic variability
(opportunity for selection) should permit rapid stock improvement.
45. Newly immigrated pathogens cause more
trouble than they did back home
Increased virulence in an introduced pathogen: Haplosporidium nelsoni
(MSX) in the Eastern Oyster Crassostrea virginica. 2000. Burreson, E.M.,
N.A. Stokes, and C.S. Friedman. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 12:1-8.
The authors used
species-specific probes and DNA sequencing to confirm that a
haplosporidian parasite in the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas in
California is identical to a pathogen which has caused extensive
moralities to another species of oyster (C. virginica) on the east
coast of North America. It is also identical to, and probably originated
from, a parasite found in Japanese C. gigas. C. gigas is
known to have been transported to and cultivated on the east coast. The
authors conclude that their results "document greatly increased
virulence in a naive host–parasite association and reinforce potential
dangers of intentional, but improper, introductions of exotic marine
organisms for aquaculture or resource restoration".
44. Don't bother to hijack a hybrid.
Heterosis and outbreeding depression in interpopulation crosses spanning a
wide range of divergence. 1999. Edmands, S. Evolution 53:1757-1768.
intertidal copepod Tigriopus californicus was used as a model
organism to look at effects of crossing distance on fitness and to
investigate the genetic mechanisms responsible. Crosses were conducted
between 12 pairs of populations spanning a broad range of both geographic
distance (5 m to 2007 km) and genetic distance (0.2% to 22.3% sequence
divergence for a 606-bp segment of the mitochondrial COI gene."
The author
found that the first generation hybrids showed some heterosis which was
not related to the geographic or genetic distance separating the parents.
However, mean fitness decreased and its variance increased in subsequent
generations when the F1 hybrids mated among themselves. This hybrid
breakdown problem in the later generations increased with the distance
between the original parents. "Genetic interpretation of these
patterns suggests that both the beneficial effects of dominance and the
detrimental effects of breaking up coadaptation are magnified by
increasing evolutionary distance between populations."
Although there is
nothing theoretically surprising about these results it is always nice to
see theory proving out. The implications for fisheries conservation and
aquaculture (by analogy) are: expect problems in the second generation or
later when you start breeding hybrids. Expect bigger problems if the
difference between the founding strains is bigger. If you hijack a hybrid
from a fingerling supplier and multiply it, expect trouble.
43. Transgenic growth hormone genes not
the only way to make an animal grow faster
Role of growth hormone in the genetic change of mice divergently selected
for body weight and fatness. 1999. Bunger, L., and W.G. Hill.
Genetical Research 74:351-360.
This experiment was
designed to discover the importance of growth hormone (GH) to the
evolution of fast-growing mice. The authors selected lines of mice for
high and low body weight for more than 50 generations, after which the
high and low lines had diverged approximately 3-fold in their weight at 98
days. The authors then eliminated growth hormone from the metabolism of
the mice by genetic "knock out", which they achieved by
backcrossing a defective GH releasing factor receptor gene into both
lines. Control high and low lines with the normal GH gene were also
Both lines of mice
carrying the knock-out gene, which were thereby deficient in GH, were much
smaller than the normal control mice at 98 days. There is no doubt that
growth hormone makes mice grow quickly. What is surprising is that the
divergence of the high and low lines was almost as great in the absence of
growth hormone (2.4-fold divergence) as in its presence (3.1-fold). The
authors conclude that after appropriate scale transformation,
"changes in the GH system contribute only a small part of the
selection response in growth .... [and] other systems contributed most of
the selection response". Fat percentage was also lower in all the GH-deficient
This experiment
should interest the aquaculture community even though it was performed on
mice. We know that transgenic fish carrying extra growth hormone genes, or
modified genes that express GH continuously, are fast-growing fish --
sometimes very fast-growing. This ingenious knock-out experiment on mice
is a hint that the converse may not be true. Selection of fast-growing
fish by classical methods may evoke an entirely different kind
of genetic change which does not involve growth hormone. Furthermore, it
suggests that if crosses between high- and low-selected lines are used in
searches for growth QTLs, the growth hormone system will not necessarily
provide the best candidate genes.
42. Marine breeding populations are bigger
than fresh water populations
Microsatellite variation in marine, freshwater and anadromous fishes
compared with other animals. 2000. DeWoody, J.A., and J.C. Avise.
Journal of Fish Biology 56:461-473.
The authors
reviewed published and unpublished microsatellite data from many thousands
of individuals from almost 80 species. "Freshwater fish displayed
levels of population genetic variation roughly similar to those of
non-piscine animals. In contrast, local population samples of marine fish
displayed on average significantly higher heterozygosities and nearly
three times the number of alleles per locus. Anadromous fish were
intermediate to marine and freshwater fish." [numerical summary data
omitted from the quotation].
The paper notes
that these results are consistent with earlier results using allozymes,
and suggests that the consistent difference between fresh water and marine
within-population genetic diversity is due to characteristic differences
in evolutionarily effective population size.
41. Frankenfish, information & money
Differentiating genomics companies. 2000. James, R. Nature
Biotechnology 18:153-155.
The author writes
about companies that are applying genetics to human health, but his
analysis applies equally well to genetics in aquaculture.
In this paper by R.
James three types of genomics companies are distinguished: product
providers, information providers and technology providers. Companies in
these three areas are now racing for primacy and moving into each other's
commercial strategy space. The business development strategies of many of
the best known companies are evaluated here, including the Perkin-Elmer
subsidiary Celera Genomics which is much in the news for claiming patent
protection for its human genome data. The question which interests Mr.
James is how to invest money. The question which interests us is how to
bet the future of the fish farm.
If we apply
Mr. James's analysis to aquaculture genetics we conclude that companies
which provide proprietary products like vaccines or genetically improved
broodstock and fingerlings can potentially make the highest profit but
also experience the highest risk, in particular the risk that someone else
will develop a product which is cheaper or more effective.
Purveyors of
aquaculture genetic information about genomic sequences, markers and maps
are mostly but not entirely in the public sector. The opportunity to
generate value from proprietary information about QTLs, pathogens and
broodstock genotype-environment interaction in aquaculture is not being ignored, however.
The commercial risk to information-suppliers is that their proprietary
information will become "commodified" and freely available. Some
people are even making a moral crusade out of the public right to raw
genetic data. Spider Robinson neatly summed it up in the
Toronto Globe & Mail on 18 March: "It's as though an explorer
took the first photo of a zebra -- then claimed ownership of zebras, the
concept of stripedness, and anything else substantially zebraic in
Both in human
genomics and in aquaculture genetics there are companies that develop
technology for use by other companies e.g. for on-farm broodstock
improvement. This consulting company, Genetic Computation Ltd., falls into
this category. James notes that such companies " though in some
ways offering the lowest risk for investors, are always in danger of
becoming generic or outdated as new ways for tackling a problem are
40. Genetic rehabilitation of a tiny fish
Establishing a captive broodstock for the endangered Bonytail chub (Gila
elegans). 2000. Hedrick, P.W., T.E. Dowling, W.L. Minckley, C.A.
Tibbets, B.D. Demarais, and P.C. Marsh. The Journal of Heredity 91:35-39.
This is a fine
example of a genetic management plan for an endangered fish. "Bonytail
chub (Gila elegans) is one of the most imperiled freshwater fish species,
persisting as a declining population of large and old individuals
primarily in Lake Mohave on the lower Colorado River." A captive
broodstock population was established in 1981 using very few fish. The
authors make various calculations on the effective number of founders and
the probable loss of diversity since 1981, and conclude that
"including wild fish in the broodstock is essential to increase the
amount of genetic variation. The approach given here could be applied to
retain genetic variation in other endangered species in a captive
broodstock until they have stable natural populations of adequate
39. Special strains for special places
Genotype x environment interaction of crossover type: detecting its
presence and estimating the crossover point. 1999. Singh, M., S.
Ceccarelli, and S. Grando. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 99:988-995.
This paper presents
a useful statistical framework for experiments to detect
genotype-environment (GE) interaction, a term which refers to variability
in the relative performance of strains in different environments.
Information on this topic in aquaculture is often inconclusive or
contradicts other information which, so far as we know or are willing to
say, is equally believable.
It should be noted that the root of the difficulty for the aquaculture
community is, in fact, statistical. It takes a big experiment to reject
the null hypothesis that the true value of the GE interaction is zero. It
also takes a big experiment to reject the hypothesis that GE interaction
is actually some number much greater than zero. In aquaculture, the
mistake of believing that GE interaction is zero when it is really much
larger can be costly -- like choosing the wrong strain or genetic
improvement strategy for your grow-out system. Unfortunately, the
statistical power of experiments to distinguish two alternative hypotheses
is rarely reported. It is sad but true that experiments are usually
designed to minimise the type of mistake which, in aquaculture, is the
least costly.
38. Salmon kin don't stay together
An analysis of the distribution of juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)
in nature as a function of relatedness using microsatellites. 1999.
Fontaine, P.M., and J.J. Dodson. Molecular Ecology 8:189-198.
"Microsatellites were used to establish the relatedness of salmon fry
(in their first summer of life) and parr (in their second and third summer
of life) captured in adjacent territories. " The authors did not find
that fish collected near each other were full sibs. This observation was
contrary to their starting hypothesis, derived from theories of inclusive
fitness and salmon rearing experiments at high densities, that close kin
should associate with each other. The significance for genetic
conservation would lie in the choice of sampling strategies for selecting
broodstock, and also for choosing models for defining the evolutionarily
significant units.
37. Tilapia kin do stay together
Kin cohesiveness and possible inbreeding in the mouthbrooding tilapia
Sarotherodon melanotheron (Pisces Cichlidae). 1999. Pouyaud, L, E.
Desmarais, A. Chenuil, J.F. Agnese, and F. Bonhomme. Molecular Ecology
The authors
analysed gene frequencies at 4 microsatellite loci in tilapia shoals
(natural aggregations) from rivers and from open water. They interpret
their data on heterozygosity deficiencies and similarity indices to mean
that in the open-water environments, "related individuals tend to
aggregate, and that mating occurs preferentially within small groups of
kin". This was not true of tilapia taken in the rivers. This finding,
if it can be substantiated and if it also occurs in mouthbrooders like
Oreochromis niloticus and mossambicus, would profoundly affect the
estimation of inbreeding rates in extensive aquaculture systems.
36. Genetic signatures might identify the
origin of fish pathogens
Two isolates of sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax L., nervous necrosis
virus with distinct genomes. 1999. Thiéry, R., C. Arnauld, and C.
Delsert. Journal of Fish Diseases 22:201-207.
The capsid protein
gene of viral isolates from two sea bass populations (Atlantic and French
Mediterranean) was cloned and sequenced. The two isolates of the nervous
necrosis (SBNNV) nonadavirus showed numerous sequence differences in the
region used for RT-PCR (reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction)
assay and diagnosis. This is further evidence (see #35 & #31) that a biogeographic
database of aquaculture pathogens could be developed to trace the origins
and causes of outbreaks. In some ways this might be more interesting, or
at least more immediately useful, than biogeographic analysis of the
aquacultural species themselves.
35. Genetic signatures might identify the
origin of shrimp pathogens
Differentiation of BP-type baculovirus strains using in situ
hybridization. 1998. Durand, S., D.V. Lightner, and J.R. Bonami.
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 32:237-239.
The authors
used several different molecular probes to test shrimp infected with
BP-type viruses collected from several geographical areas. Their probes
detected only the Pacific strain of BP, not the Atlantic strain, even
though one individual shrimp appeared to have a double infection (both
strains) . "These results suggest the existence of at least 2
different BP-type viruses and show that specific probes can be used to
differentiate between them". (See #36 & #31).
34. Variation in inbreeding depression within
a population
Inbreeding effects on resistance and transmission-related traits in the
Silene-Microbotryum pathosystem. 1999. Ouborg, N.J., A. Biere, and C.L.
Mudde. Ecology 81:520-531.
Samples from 8
populations of S. alba (white campion, a flowering plant ) were subjected
to 5 generations of sib mating to produce 65 inbred lines having
theoretical inbreeding coefficients of 0, 0.25, 0.375, 0.5, and 0.59 per
line. These lines were tested for two components of susceptibility to
fungal infection -- direct resistance at the biochemical level and also
indirect resistance conferred by having flowers that are relatively
unattractive to the insect vector.
The authors found that "the
percentage of infected individuals differed significantly among
populations, lines, and inbreeding levels, and both
population-by-inbreeding level and line-by-inbreeding level interactions
were significant. The most striking result was the strong variance in
inbreeding effects among lines; inbreeding resulted in increased
resistance in some lines and decreased resistance in others. " This
research has its roots in the ecological genetic research programme of
Janis Antonovics at the University of Virginia, winner of this year's
Sewall Wright award.
The importance of
this study as a model of biological conservation and aquaculture is the
unpredictability of the effect of inbreeding at the local population
level. In some lines inbreeding even increased resistance. This is because
the formal, calculated inbreeding coefficient of a population is actually
the expectation (mean) of a stochastic process that involves sampling at
the level of the pedigree (parental genealogy), the zygote, and the
chromosome segment. (See #13). In
conservation and aquaculture, where every fish has value, some lineages
and some animals within lineages are going to be much worse off than the
calculated inbreeding coefficient of the population would indicate. The
differential mortality which results from these sampling processes is
evident in inbreeding studies on natural populations (such as #9 & #32 ). The
resulting inbreeding genetic load (moralities) is not, however, taken into
account in broodstock management plans.
It was also
interesting that in the plant-pathogen system the two modes of inbreeding
resistance were genetically uncorrelated. In fish and shrimp, one would
also expect to find many behavioral and biochemical modes of resistance to
pathogens. Only some of these modes of resistance -- never the behavioral
ones -- would be simulated by challenge tests.
33. Local adaptation of fish
Effect of temperature and salinity on growth performance in
anadromous (Chesapeake Bay) and nonanadromous (Santee-Cooper) strains of
striped bass Morone saxatilis. 2000. Secor, D.H., T.E. Gunderson, and
K. Karlsson. Copeia 100:291-296.
Juvenile growth
rates of the two strains of bass differed in their response to temperature and salinity. This is more evidence for the importance of
genotype-environment interaction in the choice of broodstock of at least
some aquacultural species, and the likelihood that GE interactions would
soon develop, if they were not initially present in the broodstock, during
selection in different types of aquaculture system (see #28 & #22).