aquaculture-oriented commentaries reflect the opinions of GCL associates
-- usually Roger Doyle -- and are not the original abstracts of the
papers. Direct quotations from the papers or abstracts are
marked with inverted commas.
8. Maybe QTL mapping can actually be done
QTL for live weight traits in Père David's x red deer interspecies
hybrids. 1999. Goosen, G.J.C., K.G. Dodds, M.L. Tate, and P.F. Fenessy.
Journal of Heredity 90:643-647.
The authors used interspecies hybrids to locate growth-determining genes
on chromosomes (actually, on linkage groups). Showed it can actually be
done in animals that have within-population variability and life-spans
similar to some aquaculture species, without having to make them
homozygous first. Making use of this in a
cost-effective broodstock improvement programme would be about 2 orders of
magnitude harder. A more promising, high-payoff, QTL study using tilapia
species hybrids would be to understand -- and learn how to manipulate -- the
sex-determining mechanism(s) in these fish.
7. Genetic changes in stock enhancement
Population structure and impact of supportive breeding inferred from
mitochondrial and microsatellite DNA analyses in land-locked Atlantic
salmon Salmo salar L. 1997. Tessier, N., L. Bernatchez, and J.M. Wright.
Molecular Ecology 6:735-760.
Salmon migrate in and out of 4 rivers that enter a large fresh water lake
in Canada. Some of these populations are supplemented by hatchery stock
originating in the same rivers. The hatchery stocks show "significant
changes in allele frequencies and losses of low-frequency alleles but no
reduction in heterozygosity. Estimates of variance and inbreeding
population size indicated that susceptibility to genetic drift and
inbreeding in one population increased by twofold after only one
generation of supplementation. " Note that stock supplementation is a
major -- often the only --- fisheries management activity in the fresh
waters of many developing countries. Managers need to watch carefully for
genetic erosion. Not exactly a recent paper but it hasn't been cited much.
6. Want to measure growth
Analysis of Experimental Data with Repeated Measurements. 1999. Reiczigel, J.
Biometrics 55:1059–1063.
Proposes a statistical "permutation test" [easy to do] for sorting out
the effect of a treatment on two or more groups of individuals. Looks good for
seeing whether breeds respond differently to a change in feed or water quality,
when the data consist of before-and-after measurements on individuals. Use PIT
tags and get the correct answer to this type of question.
5. Frankenfish should be good for
Genetically modified muddle. 1999. Editorial. Nature Biotechnology 17:311.
Makes the point that major new moves in Europe will prevent retail marketing of
genetically modified (GM) products. Sainsbury's supermarket and others. However,
the flap is about soybeans and maize which have been modified to aid seed
companies, growers, herbicide manufacturers etc., not the end consumers.
"GM soybeans? Who needs them?" Unfortunately, the new European laws
preclude more nutritious products and lower fat profiles etc., so are
potentially harming consumers as well. Need to bring GM products to market which
will add value to the end product rather than the producer. Aquaculture should
ask itself whether we need faster-growing fish through genetic engineering? Or
would some other feature be more attractive and useful to the end consumer? Like
for instance....... (can't think of anything offhand).
4. More evidence that sociology
messes up the genetics
Genetic changes in Oreochromis shiranus (Trewavas) associated with the early
stages of national aquaculture development in Malawi. 1999. Ambali, A. J. D., R.
W. Doyle, and D. I Cook. Aquaculture Research 30 (579-588).
Genetic diversity is higher in wild populations than in domesticated
populations, and the reduction in diversity is proportional to the time since
domestication. This and other genetic changes subsequent to domestication are
best explained and predicted by socio-economic factors that influence the
behaviour of farmers, rather than by the time-and-distance models of standard
population genetics. See #2 for a relevant salmon study.
3. More evidence that economics
messes up the genetics
Temporal changes in genetic variation of North European cattle breeds. 1999.
Kantanen, J., I. Olsaker, S. Adalsteinsson , K. Sandberg, E. Eythorsdottir, K.
Pirhonen, and L.E. Holm. Animal Genetics 30:16-27.
Observed changes in genetic variation in 13 breeds of north European cattle over
about 40 years. Nordic breeds may have lost between 1 - 11% of their genetic
variation. The [relic] native breeds retain a reasonably high genetic diversity.
but their genes contribute less than previously to the genetic variation of the
popular production breeds. Presumably this is what is happening in domesticated
aquaculture breeds as well -- i.e. those in which the "seed" comes
from hatcheries rather than the wild.
2. People not geography
Microsatellite genetic variation between and within farmed and wild Atlantic
salmon (Salmo salar) populations. 1999. Norris, A.T., D.G. Bradley, and E.P.
Cunningham. Aquaculture 180:247-264.
The population samples came from Ireland and Norway. The authors infer that
intensive breeding practices have eroded genetic variability. They suggest that
"founder effects and subsequent selection have had more effect on the
genetic differentiation between these strains than geographical
separation". This is consistent with the suggestion in Ambali's paper [#4] that socio-economic and ethnic variables -- not the variables that
appear directly in classical population genetic models -- are controlling the
evolution of our aquaculture breeds.
1. If we don't grow Frankenfish
we're going to starve
Much food, many problems. 1999. Trewavas, A. Nature 402:231-232.
Makes a good case for claiming that a new type of agriculture, combining genetic
engineering with sustainable farming, is our best hope for the future. If we
don't use biotechnology we are going to run out of arable land and water.
Trewavas criticizes big agro-business, Greenpeace and organic farming in this
short, cross and funny paper. He's a plant biologist but tilapia lovers may
recognize his name. Aquaculture gene jockeys can use this paper for ammo.